The front of a 4-bed family home for sale

Tips for selling your home in 2023

Considering selling your home in 2023 but don’t know where to begin? Take a look at our useful tips below.

  1. Price it right. Pricing your home correctly is essential to attract potential buyers. You can do some research on your local property market and compare your home with other homes in areas that are similar to yours to get an idea of the market value.
  2. Make necessary repairs. It may sound obvious but you would be surprised at how many people overlook this step. Fix any broken fixtures, leaks, or other issues that may deter buyers. The better condition your home is in, the more likely it is to attract buyers.
  3. Declutter and clean. Remove any unnecessary items and clean your home thoroughly to make it more attractive to potential buyers.
  4. Stage your home. Staging homes was typically something that was more popular in the USA but has slowly migrated to the UK property market. Staging can help potential buyers envision themselves living in your home. You can hire a professional to stage your property or, of course, you can do it yourself.
  5. Market your home. Advertise your home through an agent with a vast choice of marketing options. These options may be listing on Rightmove, social media advertising and local/national press.
  6. Be flexible. Be willing to work with potential buyers on scheduling showings and be open to negotiation the terms of the sale.
  7. Work with an estate agent. A good estate agent can help you to navigate the home selling process, provide valuable advice and help you to get the best price for you home whilst removing as much of the stress for you as the seller.

If you would like to sell your home, or to learn more about the process, give our team a call on 01768 639300 or complete our contact form on the Get in Touch page of our website.